Our Services
We have a number of services and nothing is one size fits all as each business is unique
It first starts with a conversation and analysis, we study your website traffic, social media accounts, past newsletters, past news releases; etc. We talk about what has worked in the past and what has not.
We get it, you are contacted by marketing companies all the time that say they can help, but we are completely focused on micro-cap stocks, that is all we do. We love helping micro-cap companies get their story out.
We also do not charge thousands a month for our services as we know what it takes, and you may not need our services forever. We are just here to take your story to the next level as some day down the road if the story goes according to plan you should have your own team.
Once we have a deep discussion on the past and where you want to go with your story we will craft a detailed plan on how we will take your business there.
Once we have taken a deep dive into your business we will come up with services that we think will best suit your situation to gain more investor awareness.
Some of our best tactics include but are not limited to:
a) Developing videos for a YouTube channel.
b) Developing advertisements for YouTube that target investors looking for your type of Micro-cap stock.
c) Podcast – We will record a podcast interview with you to help us and potential investors learn more about your business. This Podcast can be posted on your site and on your social media platforms and it would be an ongoing story we develop with investors.
d) Digital Audio – We will get advertisements made to play on platforms like Spotify, SoundCloud, and IHeart Radio – these are investors listening to investment shows like BNN, CNBC, Mad Money, Investing Podcasts and other investment shows. These advertisements can be highly targeted by city, country, income, age, interests, etc.
e) Social Media- We will decide what platforms will be best to target investors and get people to start following your story. This includes LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
f) Facebook Investors Group – We will work with you to develop a private Facebook Investors Group where you can post information and investors can ask questions about the business. This is a great way to build investor confidence.
g) Newsletter – You may have an Investor newsletter already – we can look at your past engagement and see how it can be made better. Newsletter sequence…..
h) Website – We will also look at and analyze your website traffic and engagement, How many visitors are you getting each month? How many people are signing up for your newsletter? Clicking your Social Media links? Are there good videos on the site? How is the SEO? We can work with your developer to make sure
everything is optimized and efficient – yes you may have been promised all this before, but it was looked at or designed by web designers and not investors or marketing specialists. It is an ongoing process and we are here to help.
i) Investor Presentation – Do you have a good well designed and clear message in your investor presentation? Is it easily accessible on your site? We will help you make it better.
j) Contests – Do you have a good investor following or need more engagement in social media or more newsletter signups? We will look at how contests can bring in more followers for your business.
k) Google Business Profile – We will help you develop your Google Business Profile – you probably already have one that Google Developed for you. This is also an area where you can also post images, develop content, and engage investors.
We know it can be confusing but we are here to help, it is critical we have a clear path of what we will do for your business, each month we will have monthly calls to review progress and everything will be tracked for you in shared documents so you can see the progress.
These tactics may seem like a lot but they will be introduced and brought in with manageable phases in order to develop the absolute best strategy for your business. Don’t worry, we got this.
After we have defined the tactics and phases in which we will do the work, it is finally time to get down to business and start implementing the strategy and story for your investors. We will develop a clear 12 month marketing schedule to start that will be flexible and create a clear road map.
Once the story is getting out there, there is no guarantee someone will invest right away but we will start to see more website traffic, followers and potential investors in the pipeline. Of course, good news always helps and we will have the investors ready to go that are watching the stock when that happens.